[*] ALARM.CLOCK THIS DOES NOT WORK ON AN APPLE //c. This is a real-time clock with an alarm. When the alarm 'goes off', any other program on the disk can be run automatically. If this clock gains or loses time, see the program listing for hints on adjusting the speed. Program ALARM.OBJ is needed. [*] APPLE.VISION This demo was on the Integer BASIC system master back in the days of DOS 3.2, and now here it is again in Applesoft running with ProDOS. Files APPLE.V.CODE and APPLE.V.ROOM are needed to run this program. [*] BOOTABLE Before it can be used to store *ANYTHING*, a brand new disk must be formatted (see FORMATTER). If you are going to put programs on a disk, you will probably want that disk to start automatically (or "boot"). This program copies the operating system (files PRODOS and BASIC.SYSTEM) from one disk to another. It can process several disks, one after another. [*] DATA.BASE This program creates a data file of records containing named fields that you define. It maintains this file on a disk, and can print out the records in a simple listing with or without totals. There is a sample file named DEALERS on your disk. The program was written to be easy to use and easy to modify, so if it does not do exactly what you want, you can change it to be more to your liking. [*] DIAGNOSTICS This program tests all 64K or 128K of your computer's memory and the various graphic modes, then it either says "System OK" or displays an error message. If you see any other message, ask an expert for advice. The diagnostic routine overwrites the operating system in your computer, so you will need to boot a disk to do anything else. This program does not test your disk drive or any other equipment. [*] FATHOM You need game paddles or a joystick to play this. Watch out for torpedoes, and sink submarines with depthcharges. [*] FORMATTER ProDOS Diskette Initializer V 1.00 Copyright (C) 1985 by Keith Falkner. This program prepares a disk with 280 blocks of zeroes ($00), then it writes blocks 0-6 so the disk will be a properly formatted ProDOS disk. Possible "Return Codes": - 00 = disk initialized OK. - 01 = improper slot number. - 02 = improper drive number. - 03 = improper volume name. - 39 = I/O error occurred. - 40 = write-protected. - 51 = drive too slow. - 52 = drive too fast. - ?? = misc error from ProDOS. [*] GRUNGY.TOWERS Try to solve a murder mystery. You get a different puzzle every time, with twelve suspects. The liar is guilty. [*] JOTTO The computer selects a five-letter word, and you try to guess it. [*] JOYSTICK.TEST This program tests a joystick or a pair of game paddles. Turn the knobs or wiggle the stick and watch the cross-hairs move; press the buttons and see if the numbers change to inverse video display. [*] LOGIC.GATES This little tutorial shows you a few details about the simplest integrated circuit chips in your computer. [*] MENU This data file controls what STARTUP can do. The first thing in MENU is a number, which indicates how many files are defined in the menu. If this number is not correct, STARTUP will probably do some confusing things. Each item consists of: - a filename in CAPITAL letters - a RETURN character - some text describing that file - a RETURN character. *NOTE* Do not put extra carriage returns in the text describing the file, or else STARTUP will be fooled. *NOTE* If the filename ends with a space, STARTUP will forbid an attempt to RUN that file. [*] MOIRE.PATTERNS This demo draws pretty patterns until you press a key, then it returns to the Startup Menu. [*] PENNY.ARCADE This is a two-person PONG game and requires paddles (a joystick will NOT do). There are four different games, and ten levels of difficulty. [*] STARLANES This game lets 2 to 4 players build interstellar trading companies, and compete for the most profitable investments. [*] STARTUP When a disk is booted, the program named STARTUP is run automatically. This is a good program to put on all your program disks because it gives you a convenient way to run any of the programs described in the file "MENU". Then use FREEWRITER to create a suitable MENU file for the files on that disk. [*] SYNTHESIZER This program makes a racket until you press a key, then it quits. Its main purpose is to be something very noisy for the ALARM.CLOCK to run. [*] WORMS This old demo uses CHAR.GEN, CHAR.SET, CHAR.WORM, and APPLE. You may be able to modify this to mix text and Hi-Resolution Graphics.